Essential Rules To Follow When Tubing On THE Saco River

Help us preserve the Saco River... Let's talk a bit about river etiquette.

River etiquette is essential for a safe and enjoyable tubing experience on the Saco River. Here are some important tips to keep in mind:

  • Respect Nature: Treat the river and its surroundings with care and respect. Avoid littering, and do your part to keep the river clean by packing out any trash you bring with you.
  • Be Considerate of Others: Keep noise levels reasonable to avoid disturbing other river users and wildlife. Maintain a safe distance from other tubers, kayakers, and canoers, and be mindful of their right of way.
  • Follow Safety Guidelines: Wear a properly fitted life jacket and secure all belongings to your tube to prevent them from falling into the water. Stay hydrated, apply sunscreen, and be aware of weather conditions to ensure a safe trip.
  • Observe Local Regulations: Familiarize yourself with any rules or regulations specific to the Saco River, such as restrictions on alcohol consumption or designated swimming areas.
  • Leave No Trace: Leave the river and its banks as you found them, taking care to avoid damaging vegetation or disturbing wildlife habitats. Respect private property along the river's edge and refrain from trespassing.
  • Human Waste: We understand that nature calls and sometimes you have no choice but to use the outdoors at your restroom, we respectfully ask that you please bury your excrement 6 inches below ground.
  • Dispose of your Trash: Let's be courteous of others and respect the beauty of Saco's premises. Please use the dumpsters provided to dispose of any trash. We don't not have staff to pick up after you.
  • Rope Swings: Please exercise extreme caution as these areas are not maintained by Saco Canoe Rental Company or its affiliates.
  • Glass Bottles: Please DO NOT bring glass bottles on the premises, glass breaks and can cause injury to others.

By following these guidelines, you can help preserve the natural beauty of the Saco River and ensure a positive experience for yourself and others enjoying this scenic waterway.

River Tubing EtiquettE

Please leave NO Trace. The Saco River is the Jewell of the Mt Washington Valley. Please help us protect the river for future generations to enjoy.

  • All land along the Saco River is private property. Please respect any no trespassing signs.
  • Carry Out all trash. We have dumpsters at our landing. There is no one to pick up after you.
  • No Glass bottles are allowed on the river.
  • Human Waste: Please bury 6 inches deep.
  • Rope Swings: Use extreme caution they are not maintained by Saco Canoe Rental Company or affiliates. Use extreme caution.

Thank you for keeping the Saco River clean for the future enjoyment of others


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